Guidelines about JNTU Final Project
The objective of this document is to present the general guidelines for the writing up of a proper Final-project report.
All JNTU B-Tech IV-II students have to do a project in the given time period by the university.
By this time u would have got some idea about the project work as u have done with your mini project in III-II Semester.As in most of the colleges we were given choice to a study project or kit based and this could be done in an Institute,Industry or own.Most of chose to do a study project and were given permission for this and had to work on project during your IV-II Semester & we had to submit this report by the end of IV-II Class work.This project will be evaluated at the end of semester (The mini project and its report shall be evaluated with this final project work).
Basically in this Final project student can take up any Industry oriented application in his/her field of interest in their respective field/branch.First one has to submit an Abstract of the project to their concerned department head (HOD) and once he approves it ,he will assign a project guide to the individual or batch after this project work is to be started. Generally batch for a final project may have 1 to 3 members in it.
Ask following questions before you join any company for project
Important Points:
1) Final Project will be your key to success because when ever u attend interviews in any company the first question would be "Tell me about your project ?". so do the project with a proper attention on it.
2) Better to do the projects in the fields of latest upcoming technologies so that it would fetch u a plus point during the evaluation of project & also during the interviews.
3) If your role in the project is limited to few modules,Try to have a complete idea on the project (i.e., know about all the modules & steps involved in the project) because during the project evaluation the project supervisor (i.e., evaluator) may put forward few questions regarding the other modules also.
4) Out of a total 200 marks for the project work, 40 marks shall be for Internal Evaluation (The internal Evaluation shall be on the basis of two seminars given by each student on the topic of his project) and 160 marks for the End Semester Examination.The End Semester Examination (viva-voce) shall be conducted by the same committee appointed for industry oriented mini project. In addition the project supervisor shall also be included in the committee.
5) The topics for industry oriented mini project, seminar and project work shall be different from each other.
6) The mini project and its report shall be evaluated with the project work in IV year II semester.
Guidelines to prepare project documentation.
Sample Project Documentation.
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