- Toothlosscan happen due to various factors
- Occurs both in adults and children
- In some cases it can be prevented
>>CausesPredisposing conditions: - Thumb sucking,
- Mouth breathing
- Pacifier usage
- Poororalhygiene/Tooth decay
- Mismatched jaw/teeth
- Genetic factors
>>Symptoms- Pain
- Blood loss/discharge
- Feeling of weakness
>>TreatmentSeek adentist'shelp on an emergency basis. To replace the fallen tooth, follow these steps- - Gently hold the fallen tooth by the top
- Do not touch the roots
- Rinse the tooth gently
- Avoid running water
- Try to replace tooth in socket
- If you cannot replace, place it in whole milk or your saliva
- You may also place it in mild salt solution-1/4 tsp salt in 1 quart water
>>Prevention- While sporting, wear a mouth guard
- Treatgumdiseaseat the earliest
- Take care of teeth by brushing/flossing regularly
- Use an antisepticmouthwashregularly
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