- Ticks are small,insect-like creatures
- They may be small or as large as the size of an eraser
- They are usually found in the fields and woods
- They attach themselves to humans/ pets /other animals
- Once on the body, they move to other warm, moist areas
- Favorite haunts include hair, armpit and groin
- Once firmly attached to the body, they begin to suck blood
- They can cause harmless or harmful conditions
>>Symptoms- Rashes, redness, itching
- Swelling at the site
- Muscle/joint pain
- Inflammation of the joints
- Swollen lymph node
- Flu-likesymptoms
- Fever
Symptoms that need emergency treatment--- Severe headache
- Chest pain
- Palpitations
- Difficulty in breathing
- Paralysis
>>Treatment- Remove thetickcarefully by holding head, using a tweezer,
- Remove the whole tick
- Do not crush the tick
- Put the tick into a bottle and seal
- This is to provide your doctor with information
- Use soap and water to wash the affected area
- Wash your hands thoroughly
- Seek medical help if you are unable to remove the tick
>>Prevention- When walking in woods or tall grass wear clothes and shoes that cover you fully
- Keep the shirt tucked into pants
- Pull socks over the pants to cover feet well
- Wear light-colored clothes to spot ticks easily
- Sprayinsectrepellentson your clothes
- While outside, check your clothes frequently for ticks
- On your return home, inspect yourself thoroughly for ticks
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