>> Overview
- Heat cramps are involuntarymusclespasms
- They are caused by deficiency of water and sodium
- Heat cramps are painful, may be severe and prolonged
- Heavy exercising in hot weather causesexcessivesweating
- This causes electrolyte deficiency resulting inmusclecramps
- Muscles most affected are the voluntary muscles of-
a. Calves
b. Arms
c. Thighs
d. Back
e. Abdomen
- Heat cramps are the least serious of all heat injuries
- It is a warningsignfor heat exhaustion
>>Risk factors- Negative sodium balance
- Diureticmedications
- Absence of acclimatization / adaptation
>>Causes- Heat
- Dehydration
- Excessive sweating
- Loss of body salts
- Muscle stress
- Poor body condition
>>SymptomsSome of the most commonsymptomsare:- Dizzy feeling
- Fainting
- Exhaustion
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Rapid heartbeat
- Hot/sweaty skin
>>Treatment- Rest briefly and cool down
- Manual pressure / massage must be applied to the affected muscle
- Drink one quart of water with one teaspoon of salt
- Drink some clear juice /electrolyte-containing sports drink
- Practice gentle stretching exercise of the affected muscle
- Seekmedicalhelpif the cramps remain after 1 hour
>>Prognosis Heat cramps usually improves with- An electrolyte drink
- Cool shade
- Rest
>>Prevention- Adequate fluids must be taken periodically
- Fluids must be taken before feeling thirsty
- Avoid heavy sweaty exercises in humid conditions
- Make sure to drink fluids while exercising
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