News Update :

Understanding Rahul as “Leader”

17 August 2011

“The ultimate measure of a leader is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy”

Now that it is almost certain that Rahul Gandhi is all set take the reins of the Congress Party, it is appropriate to make an effort to understand him as a “Leader”. With Sonia Gandhi being treated for a mystic ailment, the equations of power both in the Government and among AICC ranks, with Rahul at the helm of affairs are likely to be witnessing a massive change.

Dynastic politics has something inherently undemocratic built into it. Yet, there is no licentiousness that Rahul Gandhi had ever perpetuated on the nation in the manner of his infamous uncle, Sanjay Gandhi. He came through as rather earnest young man closely nurtured by Sonia Gandhi. It appears that Sonia played the role of keeper of Nehru-Gandhi torch that would be passed onto her son, with perfection. Indira Gandhi nurtured Sanjay Gandhi as a chief henchman; Rahul was groomed as a typical solemn Youngman by Sonia.

Rahul’s vision of India, like his mother, would be perhaps, shaped towards support for social sector legislations. His ideology can be mostly described as consisting strong commitment to non-sectarian politics that rises above caste, religion, region and community.

He might be critiqued for being dynast. But he is nurtured as compassionate monarch who wants to use his power for what he thinks good for the party and to sustain the hold of Nehru-Gandhi legacy on every affair of the Party.

While, Indira Gandhi, his grandmother was born into a great political family, he and his mother were compelled to evolve into politicians. Indira regained at a time when the Congress was pre-eminent party of the nation, he is all set to lead it when it is in supposed decline and being challenged for graft and misgovernance by all conceivable forces from all quarters. He would takeover the responsibility at a time the nation’s confidence is shaken due to unending tales of sleaze and common man is bearing the burden of raising prices and attacks on his pride and purse from the stakeholders of power. He would in all likelihood preside over a government which is unwilling to act firmly to eliminate graft and other myriad problems.

He has to surmount many hurdles. The way Indira Gandhi shaped Indian democracy; she had a greater impact on it, both negative and positive. But Rahul under watchful guidance of his mother is shaping his legacy in an earnest and matured manner and in a very different style.

While Indira promoted Sanjay as a nightmare for the people, Rahul in contrast is being promoted in a more graceful manner. Indira was charismatic, brilliant and ruthless. Rahul on the other hand like his mother softer, gentler, and kinder.

 But, Rahul has not yet become smarter and mature politician. He is yet to know how to respond to some of the key issues and developments. His recent statements on Mumbai blasts, wikileaks and saffron terrorism etc smacked of political sanguinity and maturity. But, he inherited the legacy of the leaders who ran the congress for so many years without a major disaster and he is certainly not a fool.

Indian political leaders are defined by their rhetoric and oratory. Rahul looks to be a hesitant speaker and his actions & policies wants to speak for him to legitimize his leadership.

He is thrown into take leadership mantle when politics has become more competitive today. Rahul is certainly not in the mould of Indira. He is still building his legacy and seemed to have possessed the right instincts as a politician.

But he needs to be more accommodative and should learn to have faith in consultation. He should have stomach for consensus and power sharing. He should allow having coterie but should give them a lee way to wield excessive power. He must identify the corrupt and controversial figures.

Like his mother he should have that instinct to risk his leadership and principle to sacrifice office, if needed. He should understand that leadership is test of nerves and he should have the nerves to withstand the tests of leadership.

Whatever might be his qualities he would face testing times as a Leader.

