Years, millions of lives around the world, the disease can lead to cancer cure soon ceyanunnamani by the Prime Minister, the science of nanotechnology salahamandali President Professor C. N. R. Rao knowledge flow. News on Saturday 'Nano for the Young' participation in the program, he said vilekarulato nanosthayilo (vandakotlava one meter) bangarantopatu cuputayani all materials to make them quite different characteristics to achieve the benefits of nanotechnology by the man who said to her.
Sosincukogalavani nanokanalu that gold, which is more energy ... The energy released vedirupanlo said. As a result of the extreme temperature of the cancer cells caccipotayani mikrolevel emissions. America, the California scientist Mustafa El Varsity. Sayed, and his son, (Dr.) This research was jointly conducted tests have not already done so soon, this method is that the possibility of launching humans. Kalpincavaccunani all types of cancer treated by this method, however, is more likely to use prior to breast cancer.