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Student Information System a Java Project..

24 May 2012

         In the project “Web portal system for student information system a Java project”, the design of different modules and components of a student information system are aptly described. This is basically a web-based application for students, faculty and academic faculty in order to obtain student information quickly. This system is like a replacement for the traditional file system and avoids traditional paperwork.Student-Information-System-a-Java-Project

 In this web-based application project, a student’s complete academic records can be tracked thereby providing easy access to office staff and committee members. It avoids the need of tedious paperwork on the part of the students and students can then file their information through a computer and makes an easy process for submission as well as evaluation.
         In this project Web portal system for student information system the student information is classified into three modules viz login module, administrator module and student module. The login module is used for entry to the website with provision of various functions and facilities. In the administrator module there are two parts: one is for entry, update or deletion of student. The second part is for issuing notices, internal results etc.   
      In the student module, once the student enters his id and password, he can access other pages. If profile view is clicked, he can update his personal detail. In the notice view he can check out all notices. The link to the attendance view student can access his attendance details. There are links to internal exam results and also the time table.
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import java.sql.*;

public class Dcl1 extends HttpServlet
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res)
PrintWriter out = null;
out = res.getWriter();
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:SUS","PLMS","PLMS");
Statement st = con.createStatement();
int i = st.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM CHECK_ACTIVITY WHERE SNO="+req.getParameter("n14"));
Statement st1 = con.createStatement();
int j = st1.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM CHECK_LIST WHERE SNO="+req.getParameter("n14"));
Statement st2 = con.createStatement();
int k = st2.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM MAINT_SCHED WHERE IN_NO="+req.getParameter("n5"));
out.println("The No Of Records Deleted:" +i);
out.println("The No Of Records Deleted:" +i);
out.println("The No Of Records Deleted:" +k);
}catch(Exception e)
     The software used to design this project is the Java-2 Enterprise edition (J2EE). In this every component can be selectively designed and a multilayered distributed application model. It’s a secured software and flexible in nature too. By making use of this software and its several components this project can be successfully designed.
Click Here To Download Project Report of CSE Student Information System a Java Project.

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