News Update :

Facebook War Between Mega Fans And Mahesh Fans...

1 February 2012

Facebook War Between Mega Fans And Mahesh Fans

Once Prince Mahesh Babu got two back to back blockbusters, it started a big war between Mega fans and Mahesh fans. It initially started on online forums, but, as these forums are being properly moderated, and as they are not encouraging such fights, now the warzone has been moved to Facebook.

Nowadays, we can observe that everyday either Mega fans or Mahesh fans are preparing some poster, either morphed or original one with insulting text on it, and posting on their Facebook wall. This poster is getting shared by other fans and eventually many of the users' walls are filled with these kind posters. As both Mega fans and Mahesh fans are preparing these kinds of posters as a response to each other, the fight does not look like it is going to end soon. Let us see how far this goes

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