News Update :

5-day work week for Banks employee federations demands

8 February 2012

KOLKATA: All-India Bank officers' confederation and All-India State Bank officers' federation have demanded implementation of five-day work week for the banking industry. 

"In view of alternate channels available to customers such as ATM, internet banking, mobile banking etc, a 5-day week may be implemented in the banking industry," G D Nadaf, the general secretary of All-India Bank officers' confederation and All-India State Bank officers' federation said here yesterday. 

"This saves avoidable cost on water, power, energy, fuel etc, spent for four hours work on Saturday," Nadaf said, adding that 5-day week is in vogue at central government, establishments, Treasury, Forex, IT industries and foreign banks too. 

He also urged the Centre and the Indian Banking Association for early commencement of the 10th bipartite negotiations, resolution of residual issues and updation of pension in tune with central government pension scheme. 

He also alleged that bank officers are 'exploited' and forced to work for long hours in the absence of defined working hours.
