News Update :

13 people were arrested in the case of tribal ranguralla Business

18 January 2012

Vsp-chintapalli :In the case of illegally doing business in 13 tribal police arestucesaru ranguralla. Varinunci three hundred thousand rupees in cash, five vehicles, Bicycle, five cell captured. The extent to which we cintapalli siai. Srinivasaravu said. Vivaralila He noted there are local journalists on Tuesday. Jikevidhi. Nallabelli village panchayats in the tribal zone damanapalli gemmila Krishnarao, gemmila nagu, isvararavu ficus, ficus kamesvararavu, sindari janubabu, sindari asubabu, sindari child, sindari balanna, sindari Suresh, Kill kamesvararavu, bujjibabu kilometer, kilometer from the village of Krishna with the siginapalli ranguralla kvarilo Mining engaged in illegally. Re going to sell this business kvarilo narsipatnanloni rangurallanu hands. Inspection of the police vehicles had survived for three hundred thousand rupees. Thus, taking them to police questioning is survived adupuloki. To attend to the tribal court said parustunnamani arestucesina siai. Inquiry to investigate ranguralla narsipatnanloni vyaparastulapai.

