- Insectbitesare, mostly, not severe
- Sometimes they cause a severeallergicreaction, anaphylaxis
- Anaphylaxis islife-threatening if not treated on time
- Sting of bees, wasps, hornets / bite of fire ants, painful
- Bites of insects, like mosquitoes,causeitching
- The bite of a black widow spider can be fatal, if left untreated

>>CausesExamples of biting insects
- Mosquitoes
- Fleas
- Mites
- Spiders
- Bees
- Wasps
- Hornets
- Localized Pain
- Swelling
- Redness
- Itching
- Numbness
- Burning
- Tingling sensation
- Breathlessness
- Weakness
- Remove the stinger using a straight- edged object
- Wash the area thoroughly with soap and water
- Place ice wrapped in a cloth on the affected area
- Repeat after every 10 minutes
- Apply a gentle cream to prevent itching
- Takeantihistaminesif necessary
- Observe forsignsof infection like pain, redness or swelling
- Try to keep the person calm
- Check the person's breathing
- Remove constricting items, like rings, from finger/nose/ears
- Do Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), if necessary
- If the person is carrying an emergency kit, use it
- If required, treat the person for signs of shock
- Seek medical help as soon as possible
- Wheezing
- Swelling on the face
- Difficulty in breathing
- Tight feeling in the throat
- Body turning blue
- Do not remove the stinger using a tweezer
- Do not apply a tourniquet
- Aspirin, pain medications, should not be given unless advised by a doctor
- Avoid placing hand near the mouth of a seizure-affected person
- Take caution to prevent your child from developing biting habit