- Most objects swallowed will be eliminated naturally
- Sharp objects/objects like battery are dangerous
- Sharp objects should be removed
- Can happen to all ages
- Common in children of 1-3 years
>>Causes- Certain food like popcorn
- Coins
- Small toys
- Small objects like buttons, beads
>>Symptoms- Coughing
- Difficulty in breathing
- Wheezing
>>Treatment- If breathing is difficult, do Heimlich maneuver
- Seek medical help as quickly as possible
On someone else
- Stand behind the person
- Wrap your arms around victim's waist
- Tilt the person a little forward
- Make a fist with one hand
- Place it just above the navel
- Hold the fist with the other hand
- Give a hard upward thrust into the abdomen
- Repeat if required
On Oneself
- Make fist with one hand
- Place fist above navel
- Hold it with other hand
- Bend over a hard surface like a chair
- Give hard upward thrust
- Repeat if required
>>Prevention- Do not give potentially dangerous food to children
- Give small pieces of food to children
- Avoid laughing / talking when eating
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First Aid