- Any outside object lodged insideearcanal
- Not dislodged easily
- An 'Otoscope' is used to identify object
>>Causes- On purpose, eg, acottonswabused for cleaning
- Accidental, especially among children
- Aninsectthat may have crept into the ear
>>Symptoms- Feeling of uneasiness/ discomfort
- Pain
- Dizziness
- Infection
- Discharge/blood oozing from ear
- Dry cough, occasionally
- Insect may bite/cause tickling sensation
>>Treatment- If object is protruding, use tweezers to remove
- If object is small, shake head with ear facing downward
- If it is insect, turn head to place affected ear upward
- Place few drops of mineral oil/baby oil inside ear
- Flush the insect out using clean water
- Use oil only in case of insect
- Otherwise it may lead to swelling
- Seek medical help if required
>>Steps to Avoid- Do not push your finger into the ear
- Do not strike the head to dislodge object
- Do not shake a child to remove object
- Do not try to remove object on your own
- Do not block any discharge from ear
- Do not try to clean the ears
>>Consult a doctor - If the object is not soft
- If the object cannot be removed easily
>>Prognosis- There may be no problems once object is removed
- Trying to remove object may tear theeardrum
- This may lead tohearingloss
>>Prevention- Avoid using objects like tissues/ tooth pick to clean ears
- Do not place anything inside ear without consulting doctor
- Monitor children's actions
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